• Question: Why do plants smell nice?

    Asked by 349evnb33 to Adam, Thomas, Thad on 18 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Thomas Clements

      Thomas Clements answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Plants smell nice to attract things like insects and birds to pollinate them.

      Bees come and drink nectar and pollen stick to their fuzzy legs. When the bee lands on the next flower the pollen is transferred and this is how a plant reproduces. The aromatics (small) is there solely to lure in insects or birds.

      It is just handy that we like the smell too!

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Some of the plants that we grow in gardens have also been bred by humans to smell even more strong than they would do naturally!

    • Photo: Thaddeus Aid

      Thaddeus Aid answered on 19 Mar 2015:


      Looks like I am late to the party. Yes, flowers and plants smell nice in order to attract animals to spread their pollen between plants.
