• Question: what is your most favourite job that you could have but it cant be yours and how fun is your job are you enthusiastic or would you want a different job

    Asked by 582evnb35 to Thad on 12 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Thaddeus Aid

      Thaddeus Aid answered on 12 Mar 2015:

      Hi 582 🙂

      If I couldn’t be a scientist I would go back to making video games. I used to work for Sony PlayStation2 as a games tester and Nexon as a games designer but I have since learned to program so I would program video games for a living.

      My job is tons of fun, admittedly I love playing with computers. So what I do is I have access to a bunch of people’s genomes (the DNA that tells your body what to do) and I break them up into countries. So for instance I have a group of people from Britain, I then look for particular mutations that are young but most people have them which tells me that they are beneficial as they have spread through the population. Science to me is a great game, the graphics are kind of poor but the gameplay is the best in the world. I get to solve puzzles and build tools and use those tools to discover new knowledge.

      I am very enthusiastic about my job, I love it. I also love teaching and programming so I could also do those if I decide not to be a scientist anymore.
