• Question: Is every living thing evolved from something

    Asked by Kiran to Adam, Thad, Thomas on 18 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Thomas Clements

      Thomas Clements answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Yes, all living plants and animals have evolved from a common ancestor that was most likely a type of bacteria that lived 3 billion years ago! We know this because the structure of DNA is the same in all plants and animals – you share 50% of your DNA with a banana!!!!

    • Photo: Thaddeus Aid

      Thaddeus Aid answered on 19 Mar 2015:


      Yes, everything that is living today evolved from a common ancestor. This is really handy because we can study other living things to find out more about ourselves! If we want to know how early man adapted to his environment we can study Chimpanzees to find out!
