• Question: what do you think the human race will be like in 10000 years time

    Asked by 352evnb42 to Thomas, Thad, Adam on 18 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Thomas Clements

      Thomas Clements answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Well in truth I hope we survive that long! It is highly likely we will have to move to other planets before then to avoid the damage we’ve done to the Earth.

      In terms of physical appearance, it’s unlikely much would have changed. No tails, gills or wings I’m afraid.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      It depends on how our environment changes over time. For example,
      since we discovered how to make alcohol a few thousand years ago, the organ in humans called the liver has been changing to process that alcohol better. The liver wouldn’t have changed in that way without alcohol becoming a more common part of our diet.

      So who knows what we might become! Maybe we’ll start getting webbed feet and fingers and become better suited to swimming if sea levels keep rising! It’s interesting to think about.

      I do hope that we become better at taking care of this planet – enough that we’re still here in 10,000 years!

    • Photo: Thaddeus Aid

      Thaddeus Aid answered on 19 Mar 2015:


      According to what is happening now, in 10,000 years we will have bigger brains and be smarter, we will be taller, and we probably won’t have wisdom teeth anymore. But also importantly we will become immune to some of the diseases that cause us to be sick now.
